Friday, December 7, 2012

Someone put me to sleep

I'm not thinking about anything, yet I'm thinking about everything. My mind is over active for 3:50am. I would much rather be in a deep slumber; which realistically never happens; but my mind & body just can't shut down.
I went from having a long sleeved top on to a singlet & pj bottoms & now I'm just in a singlet & undies.. My feet are chilly but the rest of me is warm.. Is this affecting why I can't sleep? Or is it that I'm waiting extremely impatiently for a job to get back to me about whether I'm in or not?
I've tried reading, tried listening to my meditation app & tried a boring movie.. Nothing.
To say its frustrating is an understatement.
Gah. Sleep. Come at me.

Peace out, Taz x